K Line Partners With Tree Energy Solutions on Decarbonisation Using Synthetic LNG

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday June 12, 2024

Shipping company K Line and Tree Energy Solutions are set to work together closely on the use of synthetic LNG as a means of maritime decarbonisation.

The two companies are exploring potential collaboration opportunities in synthetic LNG production and import projects, TES said in a statement on its website on Wednesday.

The firms envisage supplying K Line and its subsidiaries' vessels with synthetic LNG from the TES green energy hub in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

"At "K" LINE, we are deeply committed to realising our vision of a carbon-neutral future for maritime transport," Satoshi Kanamori, managing executive officer at K Line, said in the statement.

"Partnering with TES allows us to combine our strengths and resources to accelerate the adoption of e-NG, laying the groundwork for a more sustainable shipping and logistics industry."