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Latest Prices, VLSFO

Price $/mt Change High Low Spread
F Feb 28 533.50 +2.50 549.00 525.00 24.00
T Feb 27 531.00 -11.00 543.00 524.00 19.00
W Feb 26 542.00 -13.00 555.00 533.00 22.00
T Feb 25 555.00 -3.50 569.00 546.50 22.50
M Feb 24 558.50 -11.50 570.00 550.00 20.00
F Feb 21 570.00 -3.50 585.00 565.00 20.00
T Feb 20 573.50 -1.00 587.00 566.00 21.00
W Feb 19 574.50 +4.00 588.00 565.00 23.00
T Feb 18 570.50 -2.00 582.00 563.00 19.00
M Feb 17 572.50 -3.50 587.00 565.00 22.00
F Feb 14 576.00 +2.50 595.00 565.00 30.00

Market Information

Delivery Information

All prices quoted as delivered.

Methanol Bunker Prices

Methanol bunker prices are provided thanks to a collaboration with methanol market specialists MMSA. The prices are quoted for conventional (grey) methanol and are based on MMSA postings in its Methanol Market Weekly Analysis. They consider current spot values of methanol in major ports plus premia related accounting for local bunkering costs including dock fees, barge costs, throughput, and other adjustments.

To learn more about our methodology for converting methanol into oil bunker energy equivalents please visit:


Biofuel is a VLSFO biofuel blend, B24 in Singapore (24% biofuel) and typically a B30 (30% biofuel) elsewhere.

Brent prices are converted from USD/bbl to USD per metric tonne at a rate of 7.53 barrels per metric tonne.

EUA is the price in Euros for 1 (one) EU Emissions Allowance (EUA).

EUA-USD is the USD price for 1 (one) EUA converted at the prevailing exchange rate.

EUAHSFO is the total EUA cost to offset 1 (one) metric tonne (mt) of HSFO. This price takes into account for 2024 ship owners pay only 40% of the full costs incurred, 70% in 2025 and 100% in 2026.

EUAMGO is the total EUA cost to offset 1 (one) metric tonne (mt) of MGO. This price takes into account for 2024 ship owners pay only 40% of the full costs incurred, 70% in 2025 and 100% in 2026.

EUAVLSFO is the total EUA cost to offset 1 (one) metric tonne (mt) of VLSFO. This price takes into account for 2024 ship owners pay only 40% of the full costs incurred, 70% in 2025 and 100% in 2026.

IFO380 & IFO180 are Max 3.5% Sulfur Bunkers (RME, RMF, RMG, RMH, RMK, etc).

LNG is the USD price for one metric tonne of LNG.

LNG-380e is the price for an amount of LNG that delivers the energy equivalent of one metric tonne of IFO380 bunker fuel.

LNG-MGOe is the price for an amount of LNG that delivers the energy equivalent of one metric tonne of MGO.

LS180 & LS380 are Max 1.0% Sulfur Bunkers.

LSMGO is Max 0.10% Sulfur Distillate (DMA, DMZ) for Compliance with 2015 ECA Regulations.

MDO is Max 1.50% Sulfur Distillate (DMB).

MEoH is the price per tonne of pure conventional / grey methanol.

MEoH-MGOe is the price for a quantity of methanol that delivers the same amount of energy as one metric tonne of MGO.

MEoH-VLSFOe is the price for a quantity of methanol that delivers the same amount of energy as one metric tonne of VLSFO bunker fuel.

MGO is, unless otherwise specified, a Max 1.50% Sulfur "Clear and Bright" Distillate (DMA, DMZ, etc).

SS is the 'scrubber spread' - the premium for 0.50%S VLSFO over >0.50%S HSFO. The spread is the price differenctial between the two fuels before their respective half dollar rounding, with the resulting spread then rounded to the nearest half dollar.

ULSFO is Max 0.10% Sulfur Fuel Oil for Compliance with 2015 ECA Regulations.

VLSFO is Max 0.5% Sulfur fuel (Also known as IMO2020 grade bunkers).

WTI prices are converted from USD/bbl to USD per metric tonne at a rate of 7.62 barrels per metric tonne.

Learn more about our price methodology here: