March, 2025
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Have you sold bunkers to a recently scrapped vessel? Check here with VesselsValue's demolition sales from February 27 – March 5, 2025.
Weekly Vessel Scrapping Report 2025: Week 9
Stone Oil alleges former COO stole trade secrets from the supplier to pass to his new employers, Sunoco Marine.
Stone Oil Sues Sunoco Over Alleged Data Theft
New rules from the MPA may shift Singapore's market to taking B30 as its most popular biofuel blend, local sources tell Ship & Bunker.
Singapore Moves Towards B30 as Default Biofuel Blend
Out of the 300 container ships in its fleet, up to 50 of them are already using biofuel blends and bio-LNG.
Almost 50 Boxships of Hapag-Lloyd Run on Biofuel Blends and Bio-LNG
Two ferries operated by Baleària bunkered bio-LNG from Enagás terminals in Huelva and Barcelona.
Baleària Ferries Bunker Bio-LNG at Two Terminals in Spain
NorthStandard has appointed Kate Kwiatkowska as its new Head of Sustainability, joining from Fintel.
Kate Kwiatkowska Joins NorthStandard as Head of Sustainability
With a 95% stake in the company, Stolt-Nielsen is now set to acquire the remaining 5% ownership.
Stolt-Nielsen Moves to Fully Acquire Avenir LNG
This takes the order tally of John T Essberger for chemical tankers to four.
John T Essberger Exercises Contract Option for Two More Methanol-Ready Tankers
The container barge will operate entirely on electricity and will transport Nike products in Vietnam.
CMA CGM Orders Electric Inland Container Barge for Nike Shipments
Ship & Bunker's G20-VLSFO Index lost $6/mt to its lowest level since June 2021 on Wednesday.
BUNKER PRICES: G20-VLSFO Index Nears Four-Year Low