Arsenio Dominguez Confirmed as Next IMO Secretary General

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday December 1, 2023

Panama's Arsenio Dominguez has been confirmed to take up the reins of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) next year.

The IMO Assembly this week confirmed Dominguez as the next secretary general, meaning he will take up the role from January 1 for a four-year term, the UN body said in an emailed statement on Thursday.

Outgoing Secretary General Kitack Lim has served in the role since January 2016.

Dominguez was elected at an IMO Council meeting in July.

"You have my full commitment to build on the great work that has been done by my predecessors," Dominguez said at the IMO Assembly meeting. 

"Taking what is already a significant and influential organization, to be an institution that will thrive in delivering its full agenda, from safety to decarbonization, from digitalization to the human element; an International Maritime Organization that not only looks towards the future, but does more in embracing change, diversity, inclusion and transparency; one that is dedicated to its people, from all the very professional staff that form the IMO Secretariat, to our seafarers worldwide and perhaps most importantly, a dedication to the younger generations, the ones we are obliged to hand over to, to hand over a planet that is a better place to live in."