U.S. Bunker Spill Much Larger than Initially Thought after Vessel Sinks

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday September 8, 2015

Washington State regulators say a 70-foot fishing boat, the Tango, that sank at the Port Orchard marina last Wednesday has spilled "far more" bunker fuel and oil into Puget Sound than originally thought, local media reports.

Although authorities were said to have been told by the vessel owner on Wednesday that there might be 50 gallons of fuel on board, Larry Altose, a spokesperson for the Department of Ecology, says that cleanup crews have so far recovered at least 500 gallons.

State officials have reported that aerial views show an oil sheen of approximately 100 feet wide, extending about a mile nearest of the marina.

Altose added that a fast response by the Railway Marina and firefighters helped to contain the spill to the marina's immediate area.

Jeremy McNeil, manager at the marina says that the vessel owner is cooperating with plans to extract the Tango.

In August, the U.S. Coast Guard reported that a tugboat had collided with the International-Matex Tank Terminal (IMTT) pier in New Jersey, resulting in an oil spill into nearby waters.