BUNKER JOBS: Open Bunker Trader Roles in Dubai, Singapore, Greece and London

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday July 25, 2024

Vernon Jayanathan, director of Maritime Recruitment Company Ltd, shared the following information with Ship & Bunker about roles for which his firm is currently seeking candidates.

Many of people I know will see this advert whilst scrolling on their phones on holiday. Indeed that is what I will be doing next week when I will be watching my two teenage boys take surf lessons from the comfort of my deck chair!

When seeing this advert I ask you all to seriously think about the place where you work and the people you work alongside and for.

Are your truly valued by the people you work for? Are you really getting adequately rewarded for the value and credibility that you bring to your firm? Is the environment you work in a collaborative one with supportive colleagues that celebrate your victories with you or is it completely toxic?

I spoke to one of my prospective candidates last week who was worried about going on their summer holiday because in their absence, a colleague will probably try and steal one of their hard-won accounts. Unbelievably, management stays out of if as they think that a combative work environment helps keep staff on their toes.

I would rather make regular visits to see a urologist than work in an environment like that!

If you are really ok where you are I am really happy for you. If not, please keep reading..

I am currently looking for a a number of experienced bunker traders.

I have clients seeking vacancies in Dubai, Singapore, Greece and in London.

Anyone who knows me will understands that I only work with firms who are good employers, so toxic work cultures are not something anyone who trusts me with their careers need worry about.

Why? Because I know what it is like to work for a bad employer and I will not want to place someone in such an environment. There is no way I am going to be responsible for someone else's misery.

Regarding the aforementioned roles, there are some prerequisites.

My clients do have a preference for those with at least some transferable clients. This shows that you are able to foster a kind of loyalty that comes through a dedication to service.

The ones that apply and get chosen by my clients can expect generous packages in line with their experience, and dynamic, collaborative work environments where success really is rewarded.

In terms of actual experience, I am looking for traders at at all levels. I seek juniors at the start of their careers with maybe a year or two worth of experience, to senior professionals with several years trading under their belts.

For those that come forward, negotiation skills, a commercial orientation , as well as sales and account management ability in line with their level of exposure to the industry is important. A team mindset however, is essential

If you also have some international language skills, that would be even better!

If you do like the sound of the above, think you fit the bill, and want to have a confidential chat, please do get in touch on:


I look forward to hearing from you.