Alfa Laval Takes on Air Lubrication Market With Marine Performance Systems Acquisition

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday March 22, 2023

Engineering company Alfa Laval is bringing air lubrication systems for ships into its portfolio with the acquisition of Marine Performance Systems.

Alfa Laval has completed its acquisition of the Rotterdam-based maritime technology company, having previously acquired a minority stake in it in 2021, the company said in an emailed statement on Wednesday.

Air lubrication systems cut fuel consumption by inserting a bubble of air beneath the bottom of a ship's hull, reducing the friction with the surrounding water. The systems have rapidly grown in popularity in recent years both as a means of cutting fuel bills and to reduce emissions as a result.

The MPS system can pay off its cost of installation in less than three years, according to the statement.

"By adding air lubrication system into our portfolio, we are thrilled to further expand our offering of energy-efficient and sustainable solutions to our customers," Anders Lindmark, business unit president for heat and gas systems at Alfa Laval, said in the statement.

"Since 2021, we have been closely supporting the development of MPS' air lubrication technology and we are impressed with the performance of the fluidic air lubrication systems we have installed on board vessels."