Widening VLSFO-HSFO Price Spread Sees Dorian LPG Pay Back 48% of Scrubber Costs

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday February 4, 2022

Shipping company Dorian LPG has reported improved earnings for its scrubber-equipped vessels on the back of the widening spread between VLSFO and HSFO.

The company saw improved voyage economics of $3,500/day in the fourth quarter of 2021 for its scrubber-equipped fleet, with that figure rising to more than $6,000/day more recently, it said in an earnings report published on its website this week.

The company's scrubber investment programme "has cumulatively paid back 48% of total CAPEX, notwithstanding the COVID-19 outbreak and the oil-market collapse events in calendar 2020," it said in the statement.

The firm paid an average of about $150/mt less for HSFO than for VLSFO in the fourth quarter.

The global average VLSFO-HSFO spread was about $122/mt in the fourth quarter, according to Ship & Bunker's G20 Index of prices at 20 leading bunkering ports, up from about $104/mt in the third quarter.