World News
High Tech Ferry Reduces Fuel Consumption by 50% to 100%
Sauter Carbon Offset Design (SCOD) have announced "the world's first Leap to Zero Greenline Ferry" that uses multiple technologies, including solar and wind power, to reduce fuel consumption by 50% to 100%.
Data supplied by SCOD says the 25 metre long, 12 metre beam vessel has a maximum motorsailing speed of 14 knots with a 50% to 75% reduction in CO2 and fuel consumption, and a cruising motorsailing speed of 12 knots with a 75% to 100% reduction in CO2 and fuel consumption.
SCOD said the cost savings from reduced fuel consumption "more than pays for the construction of the Greenline Ferry over its service life."
The vessel utilises aluminum catamaran hulls that reduce fuel consumption by more than 25%, counter rotating propeller pods reduce fuel consumption by up to 15%, and automated Dynawing sails to reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%.
Solar Panels, which SCOD said are rated up to 30% efficiency due to better cooling and the abundance of reflective magnified light at sea, reduces fuel consumption by up to 10%.
Energy harnessed from the Leap to Zero Greenline Ferry exoskeleton and turbine props can be used immediately to power the vessel, stored in batteries, or returned to the grid.
When experiencing overcast, low wind conditions during the day, the sails combine with a 0.5MW power system allowing the vessel to maintain a "zero carbon" cruising speed of 12 knots.
In low light conditions such as at sunset or in the evening, duel Duramax V8 Hybrid Eco Marine Propulsion engines can be used.
The engines, which comply with the EPA's on-road regulations for emissions, were said to reduce fuel consumption by up to 30% and green house gas (GHG) emissions by over 80%.
"Considering that the America's Cup is founded on a carbon free maritime legacy, It's only fitting that spectators viewing from day trip ferries should have the opportunity to revel in nature's bounty as well," commented Richard Sauter head of Sauter Carbon Offset Design.