55 UMMS Bulkers to Save 5-10% in Bunker Use From Voyage Optimisation

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday July 5, 2024

Union Marine Management Services has signed a deal to take on software from NAPA for 55 of its managed dry bulk carriers that could save them 5-10% in their bunker consumption.

The UMMS-managed ships will take on voyage optimisation and CII simulator digital systems from NAPA, the Finnish maritime software provider said in a statement on its website this week.

The voyage optimisation service is billed as saving ships an average of 5-10% in bunker consumption and GHG emissions.

"With the introduction of new regulations such as CII, EU ETS, and soon FuelEU Maritime, shipowners are increasingly interested in digital technologies that can reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions immediately," Vinay Gupta, managing director of UMMS, said in the statement.

"This is why we are partnering with NAPA to integrate their ready, proven solutions into our existing platform and provide proactive support for our shipowner clients in their decarbonization journey.

"Operational improvements achieved through voyage optimization and simulation tools represent a low-hanging fruit yet are essential to future-proofing fleets, ensuring compliance and maintaining thriving businesses."