Peninsula Makes First LNG Bunker Delivery at Gibraltar

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday November 7, 2023

Global marine fuel supplier and trading firm Peninsula has made its first LNG bunker delivery at Gibraltar after being awarded a licence to supply there last month.

Peninsula bunkered Royal Caribbean's cruise ship the Silver Nova with LNG at Gibraltar on November 4, it said in an emailed statement on Tuesday.

The firm used its new 12,500 m3 delivery vessel the Levante LNG for the operation. The vessel arrived at Gibraltar in September, and the firm was awarded its LNG bunkering licence there in October.

"We are all very proud of hitting this milestone," John Bassadone, CEO of Peninsula, said in the statement.

"This is our first LNG supply in Gibraltar keeping us ahead of the decarbonisation curve and marking our move into the physical space through our joint owned, and operated vessel.

"My thanks also go to Royal Caribbean for their commitment to Peninsula in further advancing a lower-carbon future together."

LNG remains the dominant alternative fuel choice for now, with supply set up at almost all major bunkering locations. But the future viability of LNG-fuelled ships will rely on the rollout of bio- and synthetic LNG at these ports as well, as shipping firms seek to deliver lower GHG emissions.