World News
New Name for Marine Battery Firm Sterling PlanB
Marine battery systems producer Sterling PlanB has announced it will from now on operate under the name Shift, and has launched a new energy supply service.
With Shift's new service, PwrSwap, the company will supply swappable fully charged batteries to maritime and land-based customers, as well as all of the related components. Shift will own the batteries and service them.
"Customers don't have to own the batteries, deal with maintenance, build the charging stations, or even the renewable power production facility," the company said in the statement.
"Shift owns the assets and simply sells the energy to subscribers in the PwrSwäp service.
"Shift finances the transition of marine vessels to electrification.
"The customers pay for the energy they use, and swap batteries when that energy is depleted for a fresh battery.
"This means customers do not have to invest in expensive up-front capital costs or take on the technology transition risk.
"If new technology emerges over time, Shift integrates that into the solution, with no new capital cost to the customer."
The company is currently providing a battery and charging system for an electric hydrofoil project in Singapore.