Last Chance to Apply for IBIA Board Seats

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday December 5, 2023

Candidates for a seat on bunker industry body IBIA's board have just over a week to apply for the role.

IBIA is holding an election for two board seats becoming vacant at the end of March.

Candidates have until December 14 to submit their nomination forms, IBIA said in a note to members on Monday.

Prospective board members must consent to stand for election, be paid-up IBIA members, be proposed and seconded by paid-up IBIA members and complete and return a nomination form by next week's deadline.

"These elections are an opportunity for IBIA members to seek election to the board and take part in the running of the Association," IBIA said.

"Members of IBIA are invited to propose candidates for election who in their opinion will make a meaningful contribution to the running of the Association.

"Prospective Board Members should be aware that being a Board Member is not just a titular position; they are expected to take an active part in the activities of the Association."