NSI Launches EUA Broking Service With StormGeo

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday June 3, 2024

Brokerage NSI has launched an EUA broking service with StormGeo.

The two companies are working together to enable EUA procurement on the StormGeo platform, NSI's Paul Hardy told Ship & Bunker on Monday.

NSI is working with four counterparties to offer volume, credit and competitive pricing, Hardy said.

StormGeo also already offers EUA price prediction and advisory services via its subsidiary NENA.

"With our latest building block, we are happy to expand our partnership with NSI, the world's largest independent bunker brokers, and their accredited network of EUA traders, in order to offer more transparent and competitive solutions to the industry," Christian Plum, head of bunker management at StormGeo, said in an emailed statement.