Bio-LNG Bunkers Now Available at Almost 70 Ports: Sea-LNG

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday July 27, 2023

Bio-LNG is now available as a bunker fuel at almost 70 ports, according to LNG bunker industry body Sea-LNG.

The organisation has published details of the almost 70 locations in Europe, North America and Asia at which bio-LNG is available for the shipping industry, it said in an emailed statement on Thursday.

The information is available using the organisation's Bunker Navigator tool on its website, which sets out details on LNG bunkering infrastructure worldwide.

"The fact that bio-LNG is commercially available now and being used as a drop-in marine fuel by operators in Europe, North America and Asia, demonstrates the sustained contribution that the LNG pathway can make to decarbonising our industry, starting today," Adi Aggarwal, general manager of Sea-LNG, said in the statement.

"Climate change is a stock and flow problem, the longer our industry waits to start using low-carbon fuels, the tougher the decarbonisation challenge will be."