GCMD to Work With OGCI on Maritime Decarbonisation

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday June 27, 2024

The Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation is set to work together with the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative on maritime decarbonisation projects.

The two organisations have signed a two-year coalition partnership agreement, they said in an emailed statement.

The areas of collaboration will include energy efficiency, future fuels and onboard carbon capture.

"Just as our eyes are on decarbonising shipping, we must not forget shipping's critical role in transporting the next generation of energy from where it's produced to where it's needed," Lynn Loo, CEO of the GCMD, said in the statement.

"Our partnership with OGCI will lend an important lens on shipping's role in the global fuel transition.

"As our Coalition partner, we look forward to forge pathways to build up the portfolio of viable solutions for shipping to achieve its net-zero targets."