Maritime Data Firm RightShip Updates GHG Rating Service

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday September 15, 2023

Maritime data and transparency firm RightShip has issued a new version of its GHG rating service helping shipping companies with their decarbonisation decisions.

The firm's revamped GHG 2.0 Rating product has been revised to bring its methodology in line with the IMO's EEXI regulation, the company said in an emailed statement this week.

"IMO regulations require that ship owners cut their carbon emissions such that international shipping reaches net zero by, or around, 2050," the company said in the statement.

"One of the key approaches to reaching this target is by facilitating and incentivising more efficient vessel design.

"The existing GHG Rating methodology draws on two main sources to do so: the IMO's Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), which measures the theoretical CO2 emissions per tonne/nautical mile travelled of ships built since 2013, and RightShip's complementary Existing Vessel Design Index (EVDI) which measures the same output for pre-EEDI vessels and post-2013 built retrofitted vessels.

"The IMO's Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) is based on the EEDI and calculates the energy efficiency of vessels in gCO2/tonne.nm, based on ship design.

"RightShip's new GHG 2.0 Rating product is the only environmental rating that encompasses all three indices."

The firm also plans to update the service in future to take into account the IMO's Carbon Intensity Indicator regulation, and operational measures that can be taken to improve a ship's score under that system.