Skuld Warns of Bunker Contamination From Cleaning Products

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday April 13, 2021

Marine insurance provider Skuld has warned of the risk of engine damage from allowing bunker fuel to be contaminated with cleaning products.

In a recent case a fuel was found to be contaminated despite tests showing it not to be harmful, Skuld said in an advisory notice on its website last week.

"Further testing carried out at various points in the engine fuel system showed that organic chlorinated compounds were present, even though there was no trace of it in the bunker fuel sample test received from the fuel laboratory," Skuld said in the notice.

"Such compounds are present in some cleaning products and it was therefore suspected that the source of contamination was to be found on board.

"The cause of the contamination may have been that the cleaning chemicals were disposed of in the fuel oil drain tank and then transferred to the fuel settling tank."

The presence of these solvent chemicals in the ship's fuel could lead to poor combustion and lubrication, fuel pump seizures and damage to piston rings and engine liners, the insurance company said.

Crews should ensure the proper disposal of chemicals with adequate supervision to avoid this problem, the company said.