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Market Information

From October 1 all Brazil fuel oil bunkers are being sold as IMO2020 grade VLSFO.


Biofuel is a VLSFO biofuel blend, B24 in Singapore (24% biofuel) and typically a B30 (30% biofuel) elsewhere.

Brent prices are converted from USD/bbl to USD per metric tonne at a rate of 7.53 barrels per metric tonne.

EUA is the price in Euros for 1 (one) EU Emissions Allowance (EUA).

EUA-USD is the USD price for 1 (one) EUA converted at the prevailing exchange rate.

EUAHSFO is the total EUA cost to offset 1 (one) metric tonne (mt) of HSFO. This price takes into account for 2024 ship owners pay only 40% of the full costs incurred, 70% in 2025 and 100% in 2026.

EUAMGO is the total EUA cost to offset 1 (one) metric tonne (mt) of MGO. This price takes into account for 2024 ship owners pay only 40% of the full costs incurred, 70% in 2025 and 100% in 2026.

EUAVLSFO is the total EUA cost to offset 1 (one) metric tonne (mt) of VLSFO. This price takes into account for 2024 ship owners pay only 40% of the full costs incurred, 70% in 2025 and 100% in 2026.

IFO380 & IFO180 are Max 3.5% Sulfur Bunkers (RME, RMF, RMG, RMH, RMK, etc).

LNG is the USD price for one metric tonne of LNG.

LNG-380e is the price for an amount of LNG that delivers the energy equivalent of one metric tonne of IFO380 bunker fuel.

LNG-MGOe is the price for an amount of LNG that delivers the energy equivalent of one metric tonne of MGO.

LS180 & LS380 are Max 1.0% Sulfur Bunkers.

LSMGO is Max 0.10% Sulfur Distillate (DMA, DMZ) for Compliance with 2015 ECA Regulations.

MDO is Max 1.50% Sulfur Distillate (DMB).

MEoH is the price per tonne of pure conventional / grey methanol.

MEoH-MGOe is the price for a quantity of methanol that delivers the same amount of energy as one metric tonne of MGO.

MEoH-VLSFOe is the price for a quantity of methanol that delivers the same amount of energy as one metric tonne of VLSFO bunker fuel.

MGO is, unless otherwise specified, a Max 1.50% Sulfur "Clear and Bright" Distillate (DMA, DMZ, etc).

SS is the 'scrubber spread' - the premium for 0.50%S VLSFO over >0.50%S HSFO.

ULSFO is Max 0.10% Sulfur Fuel Oil for Compliance with 2015 ECA Regulations.

VLSFO is Max 0.5% Sulfur fuel (Also known as IMO2020 grade bunkers).

WTI prices are converted from USD/bbl to USD per metric tonne at a rate of 7.62 barrels per metric tonne.

Learn more about our price methodology here: