Video: Cosco Asia Suez Attack Footage Posted on YouTube

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday September 5, 2013

Footage of last Saturday's attack on containership Cosco Asia in the Suez Canal has been posted on popular video-sharing website YouTube.

The video, which describes itself as "RPG fire on the Suez Canal," appears to show two individuals firing shoulder mounted rockets at the vessel, one of which strikes the hull.

Reports Monday indicated there was no damage to the Panama-registered Cosco Asia or her cargo, however Gulf Ship News Tuesday quoted American security firm Nexus Consulting (Nexus) saying a container on the top tier of the vessel had been hit by one of the rockets.

Damage was also reported to the hatch nearest the accommodation block.

"We don't expect to see either an increase in volume or intensity of attacks, and though this is most likely an isolated incident, not specifically targeting a ship or ships in general, the canal can expect to see greater risk of collateral damage from conflicts in and around Egypt," said Nexus president Kevin Doherty.