Chile's VLSFO Prices Surge With Arrival of Imported Product

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday November 23, 2023

VLSFO prices in Chile have surged this week with the impending arrival of some more expensive imported product.

VLSFO delivered at Quintero, San Antonio, San Vicente and Talcahuano stood at $910-916/mt as of Wednesday, according to Ship & Bunker prices, all up by $125/mt from a week earlier.

VLSFO availability has recently run short, and a local refinery has now imported some new product to meet demand, but at a significantly higher price, a local source told Ship & BunkerĀ on Thursday.

"Unfortunately the refinery bought an expensive batch," the source said.

"They imported this time from Peru, but a small batch."

The new product is available for delivery dates from November 29 onwards.