New LNG Bunkering Facility Planned in Western Australia

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday November 29, 2023

Pilbara Clean Fuels is setting up an LNG production facility in Western Australia, with plans in place to develop LNG bunkering facilities alongside.

The company is planning to set the facility up at Port Hedland, with capacity of 500,000 mt/year, it said in an emailed statement on Wednesday. The plant will take power from local renewable sources, reducing carbon emissions during production.

Oceania Marine Energy is developing an an LNG bunkering service capability connected to the plant, with purpose-built delivery vessels to be provided by Norway's Kanfer Shipping.

"The Oceania and PCF collaboration is aimed at providing a supply capability for low-carbon footprint LNG, for the first time available on-route to the Australia - Asia iron ore shipping fleets," Nick Bentley, managing director of Oceania Marine Energy, said in the statement.

"Together we are excited to participate in developing Australia's primary green corridor for shipping, supporting significant emission reductions in the short term, and in the future, for a maritime trade route critically important to Western Australia's economy."

LNG remains the dominant alternative fuel choice for now, with supply set up at almost all major bunkering locations. But the future viability of LNG-fuelled ships will rely on the rollout of bio- and synthetic LNG at these ports as well, as shipping firms seek to deliver lower GHG emissions.