Bunker Trader Opulent Maritime Takes on ADP Clear e-BDN Service

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday July 26, 2024

Singapore-based bunker trader Opulent Maritime has taken on the e-BDN service from ADP Clear.

The company will use the ADP Clear e-BDN platform for its fleet of four barges, ADP Clear said in a press release this week.

"Our crews and customers find ADP intuitive to use and we are especially impressed with its superior connectivity as well as its offline capabilities which ensure the eBDN process always functions smoothly even when our vessels don't have access to wireless networks," Matthew Ong, shipping manager at Opulent Maritime, said in the statement.

"Cyber security is very important to Opulent Maritime and ADP's data protection standards and secure blockchain architecture provide us the surety that we need."

A total of 3.5 million mt of bunker fuels have been supplied using the ADP platform since its launch in 2021.