IMO2020: VLSFO Supply Starts in Australia

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday October 30, 2019

Viva Energy Australia Pty Ltd (Viva Energy) has started supplying 0.5% sulfur VLSFO bunkers in Melbourne and Geelong.

It is understood to be the first availability of IMO2020 grade bunkers in the country.

The product is produced at the firm's Geelong Refinery, south west of Melbourne.

"Viva Energy's VLSFO is expected to be cheaper than diesel and MGO. Its viscosity and lubricity are better than diesel's, and it is higher in density meaning ships have the ability to run further on VLSFO. Compared to high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO), VLSFO is superior in terms of fuel economy,
ignition characteristics, and of course, the environmental benefits it has through reduced sulphur oxide emissions," said Thys Heyns, Geelong Refinery's General Manager.

"It is compatible with most existing fuel systems on board, meaning ships can use the fuel without having to make significant upgrades."

TT-Line, operator of Spirit of Tasmania I and II, is the first customer to make the switch to Viva Energy's VLSFO following a successful trial in July and August this year.

Spirit of Tasmania General Manager Marine Operations Captain Stuart Michael, said in trial conditions it recorded a minimum 3% saving in consumption overall compared to using MFO380.