Singapore Decarbonisation Centre to Work With Global Maritime Forum

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday February 10, 2022

Singapore's Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD) is set to work with the Global Maritime Forum on accelerating the shift of the shipping industry into using low-carbon energy sources.

The two organisations have signed a partnership agreement to work on low- or net-zero-emission projects and programmes, the GCMD said in a statement on its website on Thursday. The projects will include the sharing of knowledge and data analytics and the development of green corridors for shipping.

"Decarbonising the maritime industry is a grand challenge that requires all hands on deck and strong collaboration across the entire value chain," Lynn Loo, CEO of the GCMD, said in the statement.

"This partnership between the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation and the Global Maritime Forum will allow us to leverage the strengths of both organisations in moving the industry towards meeting the IMO goals.

"We hope to bring GCMD's domain and technical expertise together with the Global Maritime Forum's broad-based community and platform to encourage and drive global industry dialogue as well as spur action towards developing and deploying solutions for decarbonisation."