Singapore Unit of Gazpromneft Marine Lubricants to Be Wound Up

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday July 2, 2024

The Singapore unit of Russia's Gazpromneft Marine Lubricants is set to be wound up.

Gazpromneft Marine Lubricants Pte Ltd decided to arrange a voluntary liquidation at an extraordinary general meeting on June 21, the company said in a notice in Singapore's Government Gazette on Monday.

Dmitriy Aleksandrovich Bakulin has been appointed as liquidator for the purposes of the winding-up of the company, according to the notice.

The firm set up its Singapore operation in October 2019, and started lubricant production in the city-state later the same year. The company said in 2019 that it was seeking to increase global sales to 100,000 mt/year by 2030.