Wallenius Wilhelmsen Bunkers Biofuel in South Korean Port

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday November 7, 2023

A Wallenius Wilhelmsen ship has bunkered biofuel in South Korea for the first time, the company has said.

The ship, Torrens, called at Masan on its regular sailing schedule where it bunkered B30 HSFO-biofuel.

"As Korea is one of our major bunkering ports, stable biofuel supply is essential to secure flexibility of tonnage allocation, so I am pleased to have a B30 HSFO trial with GS Caltex," said WW energy sourcing manager Jang Hongseok.

B30 HSFO-biofuel is a drop-in fuel which can be used in existing engines without any modification or tank cleaning. There are a limited number of suppliers worldwide offering this particular fuel.

The collaboration between GS Caltex and WW will be limited in Korea until the rules and regulations for biofuels are finalised by the authorities, the company said.