Australia Plans Methanol Bunker Supply Expansion

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday September 11, 2023

The Victorian State Government in Australia is looking into the possibility of expanding green methanol and production supply.

The government announced last week that it would be putting $500,000 in funding behind a feasibility study on establishing a green methanol production facility at Portland, energy firm HAMR Energy said in an emailed statement.

The study will be led by Portland H2, a subsidiary of HAMR Energy.

The plant would convert plantation forestry residue into biomethanol.

"This announcement is another step forward for Victoria's growing renewable hydrogen industry, which will support our renewable energy transition and assist in decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors, including shipping," Lily D'Ambrosio, minister for energy and resources, said in the statement.

Methanol is rapidly gaining in popularity as an alternative marine fuel, with orders of methanol-fuelled tonnage now coming in regularly from a variety of shipping segments. The main challenge for this market will be the scaling-up of green methanol supply in time to meet the needs of the new ships as they are delivered.