Johor Port 'Effectively Overtakes Singapore' on LNG Bunkering

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday October 27, 2023

Malaysia's Johor Port claims to have overtaken Singapore in its LNG bunkering operations.

The port has recently completed its 100th LNG bunkering operation with Petco Trading Labuan Co Ltd, local newspaper the Malaysian Reserve reported on Thursday, citing comments from the port authority.

LNG bunkering at Johor Port started in November 2020. The port has seen more than 100,000 mt of LNG bunkered there since then.

The port "effectively overtook Singapore in terms of the number of LNG Bunkering operations and total bunkered tonnage and further solidified Malaysia's position as the LNG Bunkering Hub pioneer in Asia," the newspaper said.

The claim of having overtaken Singapore may be contested.

Singapore has seen a total of 94,800 mt of LNG bunker sales since the start of 2022, according to data from the Maritime and Port Authority. This is the earliest date for which the MPA provides official monthly data, but it also earlier noted about 50,000 mt of LNG bunker sales in 2021.