Singapore: All-electric Harbour Craft Plans Move Forward

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday July 11, 2023

Singapore is moving ahead with its plans to reduce the port's carbon footprint.

The port authority, the MPA, has called for interested parties to put forward proposals "to design and promote" the use of electric harbour craft within port waters.

There some 1,600 such vessels in the port, including bunker barges. First off, the authority is looking at the electrification of smaller harbour craft in the 20 to 40 gross tonnage range, according to the MPA.

"The suitability of electrification as a decarbonisation pathway depends on several factors, including the operating profile and energy requirements of the harbour craft," the MPA said.

"With common referenced designs and the aggregation of demand, we hope to reduce the upfront premiums and operating costs for new harbour craft," it added.

New harbour craft operating in the port from 2030 will have to be fully electric, be capable of using B100 biofuel, or be compatible with net zero fuels such as hydrogen.

The deadline for proposals is 15 September.