Singapore: Electronic Bunker Delivery Notes Available From Next Month

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday October 23, 2023

An electronic version of the bunker delivery note (e-BDN) will be available in Singapore from next month, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore has said.

The intention is to make the practice mandatory for bunkering operation in the port by the end of next year.

The MPA said that trials with bunker industry players using e-BDN have been going on during 2023.

"Feedback from users will continue to be gathered to improve these solutions with plans to make digital bunkering a mandatory requirement by end 2024," the authority said in a statement.

In addition, the MPA said that it will continue to "explore and work with the industry on other enhancements, including automating the data flow from mass flow meters".

The MPA hopes that "bunker supliers, ship owners, operators and crew" will start to use approved mobile and cloud solutions "to complete and issue digital bunkering documents" as they promote efficiency and reduce the cost of compliance.