Titan and KPI OceanConnect Bunker New LNG-Fuelled Car Carrier in Germany

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday December 5, 2023

LNG bunker supplier Titan and hybrid marine fuels firm KPI OceanConnect have collaborated on the first LNG bunkering of a new car carrier in Germany.

The two companies worked together on the maiden bunkering of SFL's car carrier the Emden at the Port of Emden, KPI said in an emailed statement on Tuesday.

"We are incredibly proud of the trust displayed in us by a forward-thinking owner such as SFL, and delighted to have partnered with a world-class supplier, Titan, to complete this supply of 3,000 CBM of LNG," Jesper Sørensen, global head of alternative fuels and carbon markets at KPI OceanConnect, said in the statement.

"This significant achievement underscores KPI OceanConnect's unwavering commitment to supporting the growing role of LNG in the shipping industry's energy transition.

"The operation marks our inaugural LNG deal for a car carrier – testament to the company's dedication to advancing sustainability through partnerships up and down the supply chain."

LNG remains the dominant alternative fuel choice for now, with supply set up at almost all major bunkering locations. But the future viability of LNG-fuelled ships will rely on the rollout of bio- and synthetic LNG at these ports as well, as shipping firms seek to deliver lower GHG emissions.