Low-emission tug Deployed in UK Port

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday November 27, 2023

Danish towage firm Switzer has deployed a low-emissions tug to the Port of Tyne on the UK's northeast coast.

The vessel, Svitzer Jubilee, runs on hydrogenated vegetable oil manufactured from waste oils and fats that are unfit for human consumption, according to Baird Maritime.

The move is in line with the port's objective to minimise carbon emissions in the short term and achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

"Using second generation feedstocks to produce HVO cuts the tugs' lifecycle carbon emissions by 90% on a well-to-wake basis when compared with marine gasoil," Baird said.

As an ASD tug with a selective catalytic reduction system, it is able to comply with International Maritime Organisation Tier III NOx emissions regulations, it added.