TotalEnergies Bunkers VLCC With LNG at Rotterdam

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday August 21, 2023

French energy producer TotalEnergies has bunkered one of its VLCCs with LNG at Rotterdam.

The firm recently delivered 2,900 mt of LNG bunkers to its chartered VLCC the Antonis Angelicoussis at Rotterdam, Louise Tricoire, vice president of TotalEnergies Marine Fuels, said in a LinkedIn post on Monday.

The company used its delivery vessel the Gas Agility for the operation.

"Our experienced Geneva-based LNG bunker trading desk is strengthened by Gas Agility's presence at the ARA hub and her sister ship Gas Vitality's presence at Marseille covering the Mediterranean hub," Tricoire said.

"It's really exciting to see the rise in spot deals for LNG bunker fuel, on top of our term contracts, as it signals the LNG bunkering market is getting more mature.

"We believe LNG will continue playing a key role in the shipping industry's decarbonization journey, which is another reason why such spot sales are really important; the more deals we do like this, the more LNG bunkering will become a mainstay of decarbonization in shipping."

LNG for now remains the dominant alternative bunker fuel, with several hundred ships now using it as fuel. The main challenge facing the LNG bunker industry now is the scaling-up of greener bio- and synthetic LNG production to meet the needs of shipowners seeking to cut the GHG emissions of their gas-powered tonnage.