UK: Cruise Call Levy on Table for Scottish Ports

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday November 7, 2023

Cruise ships calling at ports in Scotland in the United Kingdom could be facing a cruise tax.

The proposed levy is being developed by the Scotland's regional government in partnership with local authorities, according to its proponent, the Scottish Green Party.

The move was announced at the party's conference last month. The party hopes that the levy will encourage cruise operators to switch to zero emission vessels

"We will work with our partners in local government to empower councils to charge visiting cruise ships a levy," green party co-leader Lorna Slater said . "It will mean communities hosting cruise ships get the investment they deserve, and our aim would also be to encourage greener ships," she added.

Research by another UK group, Opendemocracy, found that cruise ships docking at Southampton on the UK's southern coast were underusing shore power facilities at the port.

Cruise ships will keep ship power running when in port, an activity that can raise air pollution levels in the vicinnity.