Mabanaft to Supply Hydrogen-Fuelled Tugboats at Hamburg

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday October 18, 2023

German energy firm Mabanaft is set to supply hydrogen as a bunker fuel to a new set of tugboats at the Port of Hamburg.

The firm has signed a memorandum of understanding with Fairplay Towage Group to supply its new hydrogen-fuelled tugs, it said in an emailed statement on Wednesday.

The firm plans to refit some of its tank storage at Hamburg to hold the hydrogen.

"This agreement with Fairplay Towage is an important step on the road to achieving carbon neutral shipping in the port of Hamburg and we are proud to be working together to decarbonise the industry," Volker Ebeling, senior vice president for new energy supply and infrastructure at Mabanaft, said in the statement.

Hydrogen could become one of the alternative fuels used by the shipping industry because of the lack of associated carbon emissions, but is unlikely to be suitable for the largest ships because of the large amount of onboard storage needed for it.