Monjasa Takes Part in Bunker Spill Drill With French Navy

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday July 27, 2023

Global marine fuel supplier and trading firm Monjasa has taken part in a French Navy-organised exercise simulating a bunker spill.

The company's delivery vessel the Monjasa Promoter was used in the NJÖRD 2023 drill, in coordination with the Fécamp offshore wind farm off the coast of France, Monjasa said in a LinkedIn post on Thursday.

"In this simulated scenario, our Monjasa Promoter experienced an engine failure, causing it to drift towards a wind farm and "collide" with one of the substations and leading to fuel oil being dispersed at sea," the company said in the post.

"More than 200 individuals and two crisis centres were quickly mobilised as part of the drill, which also saw various #offshore vessels and tugboats being dispatched, including the rescue vessel, Abeille Normandie, which towed the Monjasa Promoter.

"We believe that true-to-life exercises help build preparedness and ensure the safest possible working environment onboard – and we continue to enjoy the collaboration with the French Navy and our other maritime partners in the English Channel."