NGOs Make Joint Call for Mediterranean NECA

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday October 21, 2024

NGOs focussed on improving air quality in the Mediterranean Sea are calling for the region to become a nitrogen emission control area for ships.

The Mediterranean will be established as a sulphur emissions control area for shipping next year. Adding another layer of protection to public health is a logical next step, the non-governmental organisations say.

"The health benefits for residents all around the Mediterranean are evident as respiratory diseases as well as premature deaths can be avoided by limiting the accepted number of pollutants being emitted by ships," Nabu shipping spokes person, Sonke Diesener, said.

"The benefits by far outweigh the costs that are put on the shipping companies to cleaning up their exhausts," Diesener added.

Joining Nabu in making the case for a Mediterranean NECA are Cittadini per l'Aria, Institut Mobilites en Transition, Ecologistas en Accion and the Hellenic Ornithological Society.

Limits on sulphur and nitorogen apply to all ships although cruise ships that spend more time in ports close to urban population are a particular focus of the pro-emissions control lobby.