EU Brings Tanger-Med and East Port Said Into Emissions Trading System

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday November 3, 2023

The European Union is set to count visits to Tanger-Med and East Port Said for container transhipment as eligible for the emissions trading system it is imposing on shipping from next year.

The European Commission has formally designated East Port Said and Tanger-Med as 'neighbouring container transhipment ports' as of last week, with the rule coming into effect on January 1.

The change in rules means boxships visiting these ports from next year will be treated as having visited an EU port for the purposes of emissions trading system regulations.

From next year, the EU plans to require cargo and passenger ships over 5,000 GT in size to purchase emissions allowances covering the GHGs from their bunker consumption. The system will cover 100% of the emissions from intra-EU voyages, and 50% of those between the EU and elsewhere in the world.

A gradual phase-in has been agreed, meaning ships will pay 40% of the costs incurred in 2024, moving to 70% in 2025 and 100% in 2026.

There had been a concern that the regulation might drive more cargo ships to visit North African ports on their way from other parts of the world before shifting their product onto smaller vessels, as a means of cutting the length of voyage eligible for the ETS.