ABL Launches Port Emissions Tracking Software

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday March 9, 2022

Energy consultancy AqualisBraemar LOC (ABL) has launched new software allowing ports to track emissions.

The firm's emiTr digital solution, developed with Shoreham Port, uses its Port Emissions Toolkit to give ports a picture of the emissions being generated within their jurisdiction, the company said in an emailed statement on Wednesday.

The software can track scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions from port activity.

"The first step to cutting emissions is understanding them – what they are and where they come from," Paul Martin, maritime director at ABL, said in the statement.

"emiTr provides a digital inventory of the complex web of a port's emissions, mapping out both direct and indirect sources, as well as identifying the profile of individual emitters.

"Once a baseline of data is established, visual representations can assist to identify high emitters and inform capex expenditure accordingly,"