New Physical Supplier Verde Marine Energy Launched in ARA

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday May 30, 2024

A new physical supplier has been launched in the ARA region with staff from Delta Energy.

The new firm, called Verde Marine Energy BV, is backed by Dutch shipping company Vertom BV, Joe Tierney, the company's new head of trading, told Ship & Bunker on Thursday.

The company has launched physical gasoil supply in the ARA region with two chartered barges.

Delta Energy's ARA physical supply team has launched the new firm, but the company anticipates continuing to work closely with Delta.

"This is a new and exciting challenge and the chance to work with another large and established shipping group will only strengthen our customer offering," Tierney said.

"In a time when the industry is changing, it is great to be part of a large but local shipping group like Vertom and we look forward to working with our clients as we navigate through what should be an interesting period of both change and growth for VME."

Delta Corp, the parent company of Delta Energy, is in the process of merging with US-based Coffee Holding.

In an investor presentation prepared as part of the merger in October, the firm said Delta Energy delivered a total of 249,000 mt of bunker fuel in 2022 in a total of 1,780 transactions.

Contact details for Verde Marine Energy are as follows:

Parklaan 26,

3016 BC, Rotterdam,

The Netherlands