Stena Line Plans Two More Ferry Methanol Retrofits

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday May 15, 2024

Stena Line is planning to convert two more of its ferries to run on methanol.

The company is working with classification society Lloyd's Register to retrofit the ro-ro vessels Stena Superfast VII and Stena Superfast VIII to dual-fuel propulsion, Lloyd's Register said in a statement on its website on Wednesday.

The ships will be able to run on both methanol and MGO after conversion.

Stena Line was an early pioneer in methanol propulsion, converting the Stena Germanica to run on methanol almost a decade ago.

"As we continue to implement our strategy to decarbonise our operations, we still see methanol as a viable alternative fuel that will help us achieve this ambition," Ian Hampton, COO for fleet and government affairs at Stena Line, said in the statement.

"Lloyd's Register with their knowledge and experience from supporting the conversion project of Stena Germanica nine years ago will once again be able to provide the necessary support with these retrofits of our existing tonnage.

"In the process, it will make them more sustainable by reducing CO2 emissions and encouraging the technology and development needed on our ongoing journey towards fossil free shipping."