World News
Crane Vessel Takes on Carbon Capture System
A semi-submersible crane vessel in Europe has taken on an onboard carbon capture system for a five-week trial.
Heerema Marine Contractors' vessel theĀ SSCV SleipnirĀ has set sail this month after being retrofitted with a prototype EverLoNG carbon capture system, EverLoNG said in an emailed statement on Tuesday.
The system will now be tested over the next five weeks.
"The objective of the Sleipnir campaign is to test all aspects of the capture and onboard storage system on the LNG (liquefied natural gas)-fuelled vessel," the company said in the statement.
"This will be done over an operating period of around 500 hours and includes storing CO2 on board as a liquid in a specially designed container.
"The container will then be offloaded, and the CO2transported to an industrial site for utilisation, or stored permanently in the geological subsurface."