Ardmore Shipping Tries Out Emissions-Reducing Bunker Additive

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday June 11, 2024

Ardmore Shipping has signed a deal with Fuelre4m to try out bunker fuel with additives that cut fuel consumption and emissions.

The firm has signed up for a three-month trial of Re4mx Fueloil on board the Ardmore Seahawk, a Fuelre4m representative told Ship & Bunker on Tuesday.

Fuelre4m adds its fuel reformer to VLSFO, delivering 40-80% lower NOX, SOx and carbon monoxide emissions and 15-20% lower fuel consumption through optimised combustion.

The additive can also be used with HSFO and B30 biofuel blends.

"This collaboration presents a unique opportunity to explore cutting-edge technology that has the potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact and improve fuel efficiency – not only for Ardmore's fleet, but for the wider industry, too," Garry Noonan, innovation director at Ardmore Shipping, said in an emailed statement.

"By testing Re4mx Fueloil on the Ardmore Seahawk, we aim to showcase how advanced fuel solutions can align with global emissions targets, while maintaining high performance standards.

"We look forward to the results of this trial and the positive implications it could have for the future of shipping."