World News
DNV Sees Ammonia Bunker Demand at 2.3 Million MT/Year in 2030
Demand for ammonia as a marine fuel could reach as much as 2.3 million mt/year by 2030, according to classification society DNV.
The firm has published a white paper setting out its research on the availability of green and blue ammonia in 2030 to 2050.
The research estimates ammonia bunker demand at 2.3 million mt/year in 2030, 62 million mt/year in 2040 and 245 million mt/year in 2050.
"Ammonia is a nascent marine fuel, and will most likely make up 35% of all shipping fuels in 2050," the company said in the report.
"Yet even this spectacular growth must be seen in a broader context of hydrogen use quadrupling to 2050: marine ammonia fuel is a very small fish in the pond, making up less than 10% of clean hydrogen, ammonia, and e-fuels in 2050."