Safe Bulkers Reports Success in B20 Biofuel Bunker Trial

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday February 18, 2022

Shipping company Safe Bulkers reports it has successfully completed its first trial of a biofuel bunker blend.

The company tried out a B20 blend containing 20% biofuels on board its bulker the Troodos Oak, it said in a statement on its website on Wednesday. The vessel took on 346 mt of the fuel in a project in coordination with its charterer, Cargill, with Cargill Marine Fuels and Oilchart supplying the bunkers.

The ship reduced its CO2 equivalent emissions by 13.54% compared to VLSFO while using the fuel.

"The company will continue to explore potential use of biofuel blends in its decarbonization alternatives by further expanding the project with its partner Cargill, to include additional vessels and higher biofuel blends, measuring in addition the nitrogen oxide emissions," Safe Bulkers said in the statement.