Accelleron Signs Long-Term Supercharger Service Agreement

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday June 10, 2024

Technology firm Accelleron has signed a long-term service agreement with Italy's Grandi Navi Veloci covering more than 100 turbocharters.

The firm will guarantee turbocharger reliability in Grandi Navi's 28-vessel fleet over the next five years, it said in an emailed statement on Monday.

The deal includes spare parts and labour readiness for turbocharger maintenance.

"We firmly believe that having a reliable partner like Accelleron to maintain and service our turbochargers is crucial to our operations," Davide Orecchia, chief technical officer at GNV, said in the statement.

"This agreement gives us confidence that the turbochargers on our vessels will remain in excellent condition, allowing us to focus on providing exceptional service to our passengers and customers."