ABB Offers Optimal Speed Routing Service to Increase Bunker Efficiency

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Thursday June 6, 2024

Technology company ABB is adding a new speed optimisation service to its portfolio to help ship increase their fuel efficiency.

The firm has added an 'Optimal Speed Routing' feature to its routing services portfolio, allowing shipowners to optimise the routes and speeds of their vessels at the same time, it said in an emailed statement on Wednesday.

The service will advise operators on changes needed to vessels' route and speed to avoid adverse weather conditions, using real-time inputs including vessel daily hire costs, bunker costs and user-defined vessel performance models.

"Adding our Routing Services portfolio to ABB's existing digital services is a major milestone and we look forward to further opportunities to complement the offering and keep supporting our customers," Jarco van den Brink, routing services product manager at ABB Marine & Ports, said in the statement.