EMSA Publishes Biofuel Bunkering Safety Study

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday February 9, 2024

The European Maritime Safety Agency has published a study on the safe use of biofuel bunker blends.

The study examines safety aspects including flashpoint, toxicity and cold flow properties, the organisation said in a statement on its website.

"The study also examines practices in other industries that may be applicable to the maritime sector and reviews the status of development of regulations for maritime use, specifically considering conventional bunkering arrangements," EMSA said.

"Forthcoming reports in this series will build on the conclusions of HAZID workshops to draw up a guidance and safety checklists for the bunkering of these fuels, including comparison with conventional fuels."

Demand for biofuel bunker blends is increasing as shipowners take them on as a drop-in replacement for conventional fuels with a lower carbon footprint, allowing them to reduce GHG emissions without investing in new ships capable of running on other alternative fuels.

For more information and to view the study in full, click here.