Procurement Firm Shipergy Launches Bunker 'Virtual Certificate of Quality'

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday October 17, 2023

Bunker procurement firm Shipergy has launched a new 'Virtual Certificate of Quality' (VCOQ) tool for marine fuel buyers.

The VCOQ service will be available for purchases through Shipergy of all bunker fuel grades at all ports worldwide, including biofuel blends, at no extra cost, the company said in an emailed statement on Tuesday.

Shipergy CEO Daniel Rose said the tool had three main advantages over traditional certificates of quality.

"It's much, much more up to date; it's not uncommon for a regular COQ to be weeks old, so in reality it bears no relevance to the fuel that will be placed on board a ship," Rose said.

"The VCOQ enables clients to make better supplier selections and then track quality trends up to the day of delivery.

"It's unbiased -- we obtain anonymised data from thousands of different bunker supplies over hundreds of locations, so the information presented is completely neutral.

"And It's quick; it takes time for the bunker buyer to manually check COQ PDFs from different suppliers for each of their RFQs. 

"With VCOQ the information is all in one place."

The VCOQ tool has been shortlisted for the Marine Fuels 360 Digitisation Award, the winner of which will be announced in November.